About the Journal

Apostolos is translated "Apostle", meaning "messenger, delegate/ambassador, someone who is sent with special commands. This term is mainly applied to the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. The word sent is an Arabic loan word, meaning messenger. In a broad sense, All those whom the risen Jesus Christ sent have the status of apostles. They have power, not superiority over the churches, namely the power of pastoral ministry. In a narrower sense, the apostle is obliged to bear witness that Jesus Christ died and rose.

The concept of "apostle" or "apostolos" (a messenger) according to the Bible has the characteristic of "testifying about Jesus Christ". In a broad sense, all people sent by the resurrected Jesus Christ have the status of apostles. The church is supported by them. They have power -- not superiority -- over the congregations, namely the power of pastoral ministry.

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Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): November
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